With the client’s permission, Susan may use a Japanese folk art technique called “gua sha” to enhance the treatment. Often used by acupuncturists and practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine, this technique can help to alleviate muscle pain and tightness. Using a porcelain tool (most often a miso soup spoon!), the practitioner rubs it’s edge over the client’s skin with a repetitive motion. As this is done on different areas of the skin (usually just on the back), red marks appear and will remain in the places where there are Trigger Points, tight muscles or unhealthy tissue – almost like a magic pen! The technique brings stagnated blood to the surface so that new blood can rush in. It is great for clearing out toxins in injured muscles and it’s also supposed to get rid of bad Qi or energy. But be warned: while most people think gua sha feels good, it looks horrible. The red marks can stick around and change colors for up to a week, so don’t let Susan do this if you’re headed to the beach soon or want to show off your new backless dress over the weekend!

There is no extra charge for adding this treatment to a massage.